FBHD Privacy Statement

Foundation for Black Health Disparities website has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate  our firm commitment to privacy. Due to the sensitive nature of the information we collect from our users,  including address and phone numbers, we believe it is important to satisfy strict privacy requirements. The  following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this Foundation for Black Health  Disparities website: 

Collected Information. The following section describes the information we collect from you and indicates the  primary purposes why we collect each type of information from you. If we use your information or disclose or  distribute your information to third parties for a purpose that is not related to the following purposes, we will  notify you by email of your right to opt-out of that use, disclosure or distribution beforehand. Your right to opt 

out shall be governed by the Choice/Opt-Out Section below. 

As described below in more detail, we use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to  administer our Foundation for Black Health Disparities website. Your IP address is or may be used to help  identify you, to track activity within our site and to gather broad demographic information. Our Web server will  collect IP information. 

Our site uses cookies to keep track of your session ID. We may use cookies to deliver content specific to your  interests. 

Our site’s registration and order form requires users to give us contact information (such as name and email  address), unique identifiers (such as social security number), financial information (such as account or credit  card numbers), and demographic information (such as age or income level). The user’s contact information is  used to contact the user when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings as set forth in the  Choice/Opt-Out section below. Financial information that is collected is used to check the users’ qualifications  for registration and to bill the user for products and services. Unique identifiers (such as social security numbers)  are collected to verify the user’s identity with the credit bureaus. 

Demographic and profile data is also collected at our Foundation for Black Health Disparities website. We  use this data to tailor the user’s experience at our Foundation for Black Health Disparities website, showing  them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences. 

The demographic information may be shared with advertisers on an aggregate basis. Aggregate basis means  that your information will be generalized with the data we collect from all our users. For example, we may share  the average age or income level of our users with advertisers. We will not share personally identifiable  information, such as contact information, unique identifiers, financial information and demographic information,  with advertisers about any particular individual that uses our Foundation for Black Health Disparities website.

Foundation for Black Health Disparities website may also use the information we collect from you to optimize  our Foundation for Black Health Disparities website so that it is more beneficial to users like yourself and to  us. This site contains links to other sites. Foundation for Black Health Disparities website is not responsible  for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. 

Security. This Foundation for Black Health Disparities website has security measures in place to protect the  loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All user data is stored on our servers. 

The user may request, via email or telephone, additional information about [Foundation for Black Health  Disparities website’s security practices. The requested security information will be made available to the user  via email, fax or postal mail, in our discretion. 

Data Access & Accuracy. Foundation for Black Health Disparities website is not responsible for inaccuracies  in data provided by third parties, such as credit reporting bureaus. You may review your data by calling  Foundation for Black Health Disparities website at the telephone number provided below. Any inaccuracies  in your data may be corrected through a telephone call to us, at the telephone number below. 

Choice/Opt-Out. Our Foundation for Black Health Disparities website provides users the opportunity to opt out of receiving communications from Foundation for Black Health Disparities website at the point where we  request information about the user. This Foundation for Black Health Disparities website gives users the  following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to  no longer receive our service:

1. You can send email to info@fbhd.org

2. You can send mail to the following postal address: 

700 12 St NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005 

Change in Control. If we experience a “change in control” (defined below), we may amend our information  practices as described in this privacy statement. We will post on our Foundation for Black Health Disparities  website’s home page a notice or a link to a notice which will describe how we will amend our privacy statement.  If you do not agree to our amended privacy statement, you may contact us as described in this privacy  statement and we will allow you to opt out of the proposed amendments to our privacy statement with respect  to the information that we have previously collected from you. 

“Change in control” means any of the following events: 

• We undergo a reorganization, merger, consolidation, acquisition or other restructuring involving all or  substantially all of our voting securities and/or assets, by operation of law or otherwise; 

• We become insolvent; 

• We make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; 

• We suffer or permit an appointment of a receiver for our business or assets;

• We becomes subject to any proceedings under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, whether domestic or  foreign; or 

• We are liquidated, voluntarily or otherwise. 

Contacting the Foundation for Black Health Disparities website. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Foundation for Black Health Disparities website, you can contact info@fbhd.org.