
  • • The Center for Disease Control has established a correlation between low education levels with poor health outcomes.

    • The difference between households of annual median income compared to low-income households is generally education.

    • Inequalities in education delivery systems directly decreases the ability to pass college admissions tests, attain employment with livable wages, increase personal income, gain economic stability and, therefore, decreases resources for healthy living.

    • Human Capital Theory explains that high levels of education attainment begin a circuit of events. With increased education, wages increase, spending increases, companies can hire more, tax revenues increase, government can invest more, productivity increases, and the economy expands. The opposite occurs when education is low.

  • The R.A.C.E. To Health Equity™

    • Research 

    • Advocacy

    • Change through Contributions 

    • Evaluation

  • We best achieve our goals through donations and strong relationships with our partners. We forge this through shared vision and establishing a culture of transparency, positive collaborations, clear communication, and soliciting feedback.

    We are continuously looking to establish new partnerships to help make social change. We welcome a conversation to discuss potential collaborations.