
  • • Due to several states refusing to expand Medicaid benefits, people of color are less likely to be insured.

    • Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, nearly one in every five Black Americans were uninsured compared to one in every eight White Americans.

    • Since the provision of ACA, uninsured rates have fallen substantially; however many states located primarily in the south--through the National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius ruling--elected the option to not expand Medicaid through ACA.

    • Of Black Americans with health coverage, 41.2 percent participate in medicaid while 55 percent are insured through employer-sponsored or private health insurance with health care premiums being almost 20 percent the household income.

    • These premiums are steadily increasing due to the increase cost of complex health care and exorbitant drug prices forcing some to forfeit coverage, altogether.

    • Lack of affordability and poor access to quality care has historically led to small numbers in preventative and comprehensive care visits in addition to the other variables that restrict access such as availability of providers, availability of services, accessibility by transportation, and accommodations for restricted time.

  • The R.A.C.E. To Health Equity™

    • Research 

    • Advocacy

    • Change through Contributions 

    • Evaluation

  • We best achieve our goals through donations and strong relationships with our partners. We forge this through shared vision and establishing a culture of transparency, positive collaborations, clear communication, and soliciting feedback.

    We are continuously looking to establish new partnerships to help make social change. We welcome a conversation to discuss potential collaborations.